Friday, July 27, 2012

Majlis Fatwa : Syarat-syarat Pelaburan Emas

Oleh : Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan Malaysia 
Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia Kali Ke-96 yang bersidang pada 13-15 Oktober 2011 telah membincangkan mengenai Parameter Pelaburan Emas. Muzakarah telah membuat keputusan seperti berikut: 
Setelah mendengar taklimat dan penjelasan daripada Y. Bhg. Prof. Dr. Ashraf Md. Hashim dan Y. Bhg. Ustaz Lokmanulhakim bin Hussain daripada Akademi Penyelidikan Syariah Antarabangsa Dalam Kewangan Islam (ISRA), Muzakarah bersetuju menerima dan memperakukan Parameter Pelaburan Emas seperti berikut: 

Harga Belian (al-Thaman) 
1. Harga belian (al-Thaman) hendaklah diketahui dengan jelas oleh kedua-dua pihak yang berakad ketika sesi jual beli. 
Barang Belian (al-Muthman) 
2. Barang belian (al-Muthman) hendaklah suatu yang wujud, dan dimiliki sepenuhnya oleh pihak yang menjual ketika berlangsungnya kontrak jual beli. Oleh itu, jual beli suatu yang tidak wujud secara fizikalnya dan juga jual beli suatu yang tidak dimiliki oleh pihak yang menjualnya adalah tidak sah. 
3. Barang belian (al-Muthman) hendaklah suatu yang boleh diserahkan kepada pembeli atau wakilnya. Jika barang belian tidak dapat diserahkan kepada pembeli, ataupun penjual mensyaratkan tidak menyerahnya kepada pembeli, maka akad tersebut tidak sah. 
4. Barang belian (al-Muthman) hendaklah suatu yang diketahui oleh kedua-dua pihak yang berakad ketika sesi jual beli. Ia boleh terlaksana melalui kaedah-kaedah di bawah: 
i. Melihat sendiri barangan yang hendak dibeli ketika akad jual beli, atau sebelum akad jual beli dalam tempoh yang tidak menjejaskan sifat-sifatnya. 
ii. Melihat sampel barangan yang hendak dijual beli. Ini biasanya berlaku semasa proses pemesanan sebelum akad dilaksanakan. 
iii. Menentukan sifat-sifat dan kadar barang belian secara terperinci yang secara urufnya tidak menimbulkan pertikaian. Dalam konteks emas, penentuannya adalah dengan mengenalpasti tahap ketulenan emas samada mengikut standard lama berasaskan karat (seperti emas 24 karat), atau standard baru berasaskan peratusan (seperti emas 999). Penentuan sifat juga mestilah mencakupi bentuk emas, samada dalam bentuk syiling, wafer, jongkong dan sebagainya. Timbangan emas secara tepat juga adalah suatu yang disyaratkan dalam penentuan sifat emas. 
5. Sighah dalam jual beli adalah suatu yang menunjukkan kepada keredhaan kedua-dua pihak untuk memetrai kontrak jual beli. Ia boleh berlaku samada melalui pertuturan, atau suatu yang boleh mengambil hukum pertuturan seperti tulisan dan seumpamanya. Manakala jual beli secara Mu’ataah (serah-hulur) juga adalah dikira sebagai sighah yang muktabar oleh sebahagian fuqaha’. 
6. Di dalam sighah jual beli tidak boleh dimasukkan unsur penempohan. Contohnya, seseorang mengatakan, ” Saya menjual barangan ini kepada kamu dengan harga RM100 untuk selama tempoh setahun”. 
7. Ijab dan qabul mestilah bersepadanan dan menepati antara satu sama lain dari sudut ciri-ciri dan kadarnya. 
Syarat Khusus Jual Beli Emas Yang Bercirikan Item Ribawi 
10. Oleh kerana emas dan wang adalah dua item ribawi yang mempunyai illah yang sama, maka syarat tambahan bagi transaksi pembelian atau penjualan emas mestilah memenuhi syarat berikut: 
i. Berlaku taqabudh (penyerahan) antara kedua-dua item yang terlibat dalam transaksi sebelum kedua-dua pihak bertransaksi berpisah daripada majlis akad. 
ii. Jual beli emas hendaklah dijalankan secara lani, dan tidak boleh berlaku sebarang penangguhan. 
Syarat-syarat tersebut adalah khas bagi emas yang bercirikan item ribawi, seperti emas jongkong dan syiling emas. Syarat ini tidak termasuk barang perhiasan emas kerana ia telah terkeluar daripada illah ribawi. 
Perincian taqabudh dan urusniaga lani adalah seperti berikut: 
Syarat Pertama: Taqabudh 
11. Taqabudh (penyerahan) hendaklah berlaku terhadap kedua-dua item jual beli iaitu harga dan juga barang belian (emas), dan ia hendaklah terlaksana sebelum kedua-dua pihak berpisah daripada majlis akad. 
12. Penyerahan harga boleh dilakukan melalui kaedah-kaedah berikut: 
a. Pembayaran secara tunai 
b. Pembayaran secara cek yang diperakui (seperti banker’s cheque) 
c. Pembayaran secara cek peribadi 
d. Pembayaran secara kad debit 
e. Pembayaran secara kad kredit 
f. Pemindahan wang daripada akaun simpanan atau semasa. 
Secara urufnya, kesemua bentuk bayaran di atas kecuali (c) adalah dianggap sebagai pembayaran tunai oleh penjual. Pembayaran melalui kad kredit masih lagi dianggap tunai kerana pihak penjual akan mendapatkan harga jualan secara penuh dari pihak yang mengeluarkan kad kredit tersebut. Hutang yang berlaku, jika ada, adalah di antara pemegang kad dengan pengeluar kad dan bukannya dengan penjual barangan. 
Status tunai ini masih lagi diterima secara urufnya oleh penjual walaupun pada hakikatnya pihak penjual akan menerima secara fizikal atau dimasukkan ke dalam akaunnya beberapa hari selepas transaksi berlaku. 
13. Penyerahan barang belian (emas) hendaklah berlaku secara penyerahan hakiki ataupun kaedah muktabar yang boleh menggantikan penyerahan hakiki. Penyerahan barang belian yang muktabar akan membawa kesan sama seperti penyerahan hakiki, iaitu: 
a. Berpindah dhaman (tanggungjawab jaminan) daripada penjual kepada pembeli. 
b. Kemampuan pembeli untuk mendapatkan barang beliannya pada bila-bila masa tanpa ada halangan. 
14. Majlis akad di dalam transaksi jual beli boleh berlaku dengan pertemuan secara fizikal, ataupun secara maknawi. Contoh majlis akad secara maknawi ialah ijab dan qabul melalui telefon, sistem pesanan ringkas (sms), emel, faksimili dan lain-lain. Tetapi disyaratkan dalam semua bentuk majlis akad tersebut, hendaklah berlaku taqabudh ketika majlis akad, contohnya melalui penyerahan secara wakalah. 
Perlu diberi perhatian bahawa majlis akad secara bertulis akan hanya bermula apabila ianya diterima oleh pihak yang berkontrak. Contohnya, pembeli menandatangani akad jual beli dan kemudian menghantarnya melalui pos kepada penjual. Selepas tiga hari, akad tersebut sampai ke tangan penjual. Maka majlis akad bermula pada waktu tersebut, jika pihak penjual bersetuju, maka akad tersebut perlu disempurnakan oleh penjual dengan menandatanganinya, dan barang belian hendaklah diserahkan kepada pembeli secara hakiki atau hukmi. 
Syarat Kedua: Secara Lani 
15. Transaksi jual beli emas hendaklah berlaku secara lani dan tidak boleh dimasuki sebarang unsur penangguhan, samada dalam penyerahan harga atau dalam penyerahan emas. 
16. Penangguhan penyerahan harga yang tidak dibenarkan adalah meliputi pembelian secara hutang secara keseluruhannya atau pembelian secara bayaran ansuran. 
17. Kelewatan penyerahan emas yang melebihi tempoh tiga hari selepas akad jual beli dimeterai adalah tidak dibenarkan sama sekali. 
Manakala bagi kelewatan penyerahan emas dalam tempoh kurang daripada tiga hari, Muzakarah mengambil maklum bahawa terdapat perbezaan pandangan ulama di dalam hal ini. Namun Muzakarah lebih cenderung untuk mengambil pakai pendapat yang tidak membenarkan berlakunya kelewatan walaupun tempohnya kurang daripada tiga hari. Dengan kata lain, penyerahan emas mestilah di lakukan di dalam majlis akad tanpa ada penangguhan. Ini adalah kerana di dalam urusniaga emas, kelewatan tiga hari bukanlah suatu uruf, berbeza dengan isu tukaran matawang asing. 
Di dalam pertukaran mata wang asing, tempoh T+2 diperlukan kerana ianya melalui proses tertentu yang melibatkan tempoh masa bekerja yang berbeza antara negara, perpindahan wang elektronik, clearing house dan lain-lain lagi. Proses-proses yang disebutkan ini tidak terdapat di dalam perniagaan jual beli emas fizikal. Maka adalah tidak tepat untuk membuat qiyas ke atas proses pertukaran matawang asing. 
Namun secara praktikal, pihak penjual akan menyerahkan emas selepas amaun bayaran yang dibuat melalui cek dan sebagainya dikreditkan ke dalam akaunnya. Proses ini biasanya akan mengambil masa tiga hari bekerja. Di dalam menangani tempoh antara penyerahan cek dan penerimaan emas, maka pihak penjual dan pembeli bolehlah mengambil pakai aturan berikut: 
Pihak pembeli akan hanya membuat pesanan (order) kepada penjual dengan dinyatakan jenis dan berat emas yang ingin dibelinya. Pesanan ini akan disertai dengan pengiriman wang ke akaun penjual. Pada tahap ini, perkara berikut perlu diberi perhatian: 
i. Pada peringkat ini, akad jual beli emas masih belum berlaku. 
ii. Wang yang berada di dalam akaun penjual masih lagi bukan milik penjual tersebut. Ianya masih milik pembeli dan disimpan sebagai amanah oleh penjual. Di dalam hal ini, adalah lebih baik jika satu akaun khas yang bersifat amanah (trust account) dibuka oleh penjual. 
iii. Emas masih lagi kekal menjadi milik penjual dan ia bertanggungjawab penuh ke atas emas milikannya itu. 
iv. Di dalam peringkat ini, pembeli masih boleh membatalkan pesanan yang dibuat dan penjual hendaklah memulangkan wang kepada pembeli. Namun, jika berlaku kerugian sebenar disebabkan pembatalan tersebut, bolehlah dibuat syarat bahawa ia perlu ditanggung oleh pembeli. Contohnya, pembeli membuat pesanan 100gm emas 999 dengan harga RM20,000. Ketika ini, pihak penjual telah menyimpan emas tersebut dan tidak menjualkannya kepada pihak lain yang telah bersedia untuk membelinya. Selepas tiga hari, apabila penjual bersedia untuk membuat akad jual beli dan seterusnya menyerahkan emas tersebut kepada pembeli, pembeli membatalkan pesanannya. Pada hari tersebut harga emas telah jatuh kepada RM19,000. Dengan kata lain, penjual akan kerugian RM1,000 jika menjualnya kepada pihak lain. Di dalam hal ini, kerugian sebenar adalah sebanyak RM1000. 
Apabila wang pesanan sudah diberi clearance oleh bank, maka akad jual beli perlu dilakukan. Wang di dalam trust account (jika ada) bolehlah dipindahkan ke akaun penjual dan emas hendaklah diserahkan kepada pembeli. 
Akad Dan Unsur Sampingan 
18. Penglibatan hibah dalam transaksi jual beli samada hibah dalam bentuk barangan ataupun wang tunai adalah dibenarkan jika mencukupi syarat-syarat hibah, dan tidak melibatkan unsur-unsur yang bercanggah dengan syarak. Perlu diberi perhatian bahawa hibah secara hakikatnya adalah akad sukarela dan ia bukanlah di dalam bentuk lazim. Dengan kata lain, jika janji hibah ini tidak ditunaikan oleh penjual, maka pembeli tidak boleh memaksanya memberi hibah tersebut. 
19. Penglibatan wadiah dalam pelan pelaburan emas hendaklah menepati hukum hakam wadiah, yang antara lain ialah pegangan wadiah adalah berasaskan kepada Yad Amanah. 
20. Seseorang yang membeli emas bebas mengendalikan (tasarruf) emasnya, termasuklah memberi pinjaman (qardh) kepada orang lain. Tetapi hendaklah memenuhi kriteria qardh yang dibenarkan syarak, yang antara lain tidak boleh membawa unsur faedah, tidak wujud unsur ”salaf wa bay” iaitu hutang yang diikat bersama dengan jual beli. 
21. Seseorang yang membeli emas bebas mengendalikan (tasarruf) emasnya termasuk menjadikannya sebagai pajakan untuk wang secara hutang, selagi konsep al-Rahn yang digunakan adalah bertepatan dengan hukum syarak. Namun secara teorinya, perkara ini seharusnya tidak digalakkan kerana secara tidak langsung ia menggalakkan aktiviti berhutang di dalam keadaan yang tidak perlu. 
22. Wa’d boleh dimasukkan dalam pelaburan emas, selagi mana ia adalah wa’d dari sebelah pihak dan bukannya muwa’adah dari kedua-dua belah pihak. Contoh aplikasi wa’d dalam konteks ini ialah membuat purchase order, iaitu pelanggan membuat perjanjian untuk membeli emas dengan harga tertentu. Perjanjian pembelian ini dinamakan ’kunci harga’. Sekiranya proses kunci harga adalah menyamai proses akad jual beli, ia tidak dibenarkan kerana akan berlaku penangguhan. 
23. Transaksi jual beli hendaklah bebas daripada unsur-unsur riba, perjudian, gharar yang berlebihan, dan kezaliman. Jika sekiranya terdapat unsur-unsur tersebut, transaksi jual beli adalah dikira tidak memenuhi kriteria syarak. 

Lampiran Akhbar.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Kenapa Dinar dan Dirham?

1. Matawang syariah
2. Diungkapkan di dalam Al-Quran dan Al-Hadith
3. Digunakan sejak 2500 tahun
4. Dikenali oleh semua orang
5. Sangat bernilai
6. Sedikit tapi bernilai
7. Nilai yang sebenar
8. Nilainya stabil
9. Mudah dicairkan
10. Lambang kekayaan sebenar
11. Melindungi kekayaan
12. Tidak boleh dimonopoli
13. Menghapuskan riba
14. Menghapuskan kemiskinan
15. Menghapuskan spekulasi dan manipulasi
16. Menghapuskan risiko pertukaran matawang
17. Nilainya bukan hutang
18. Menyeselaikan krisis ekonomi
19. Memberikan keadilan kepada masyarakat
20. Mengurangkan masalah sosial seperti jenayah
21. Merapatkan jurang antara kaya dan miskin

Dinars old and new

In what could be referred to as the Golden Years, the Islamic Dinar was a bastion against inflation.

A recent edition of the German magazine GEO-Epoche ran a special feature on the Vikings in which was stated: “As many as 100 million Arab coins were taken north by the Vikings, and more than 80,000 have been found in Sweden alone.” Notorious as heathen antichrists they may have been, but the Vikings clearly had no issues about symbols of belief from the East circulating in their marketplaces. The Vikings’ little boats boldly visited faraway Islamic cities all the way to Baghdad. Coins from the Islamic world served to bring peoples together for centuries.
In what could be referred to as the Golden Years, the Islamic Dinar was a bastion against inflation. The purchasing power of gold in the Orient remained more or less unchanged for almost 2,500 years, and gold served as a reference point for silver currencies, whose value would tend to fluctuate. “Under Darius the Great (522-486),” recounts coin expert Walther Hinz in his study on Islamic currencies, “a wether cost an average of 5.40 gold marks. The same price is in evidence in Anatolia in the year 1340, to name but one example.”

If you google the Islamic Dinar today you will find over two million listings. Thousands of websites are discussing the use, sale and importance of the traditional Islamic currency. There was a time when the famous 4.25 gram gold coin seemed to have been chased out of Muslim consciousness by the global advent of fiat currencies. The fall of the Islamic world went hand in hand with the decline of coinage. In his book on Osmanli history, Halil Inalcik describes not only the collapse of the Ottoman dynasty, but also the giving-up of gold and silver currencies in favour of paper money in the year 1840.

In Europe, gold and silver linked currencies were accused more and more of being old fashioned and behind the times. The global triumph of the European banks would have been inconceivable without the introduction of strategic endebtment and paper money. But in today’s times of inflation and amid widespread injustice caused by currency speculation, people’s attitudes towards paper money are once again changing.
With the ongoing debt and banking crisis, Muslims also are recalling the meaning of their old units of measurement. It is an important matter, since the unit of the Dinar concerns not only mundane economic affairs, it is also linked to the correct payment of Zakat. The standardisation of weights and the details of exchange rates between units were, in everyday Muslim life, virtually always connected to the necessity to pay Zakat correctly. As early as the reign of Khalif Umar, a fixed standard weight of the coins used was decided on, above all to facilitate easier Zakat calculation.
The ruler Abdulmalik later took the production of coinage into Muslim hands in what was an important currency reform, establishing his own mint. In his essay entitled The Monetary Reforms of Abdulmalik, Philip Grierson describes the efforts made to give the coins a uniform appearance and size. The prerogative of coinage was considered an important symbol of political sovereignty in Islam. In his famous Muqaddima, Ibn Khaldun dedicates a whole chapter to the minting of coins, reminding his readers about the obligations of the political leader: “He must establish the mint in order to protect the currency used by people in their mutual transactions against counterfeiting.”
Today, a world of Dinars is being brought back to life by hundreds of independent players. In principle, any Islamic authority anywhere in the world can bring a new Dinar into circulation with its own design. Leading manufacturers have however agreed on weights and sizes, as well as certain standards of production. The technical achievements of the 21st century allow coins of the highest quality and purity to be made.

In a world of global trade, the quality and authenticity of coins is important. Counterfeit coins are an age-old problem, although today, new security features can be incorporated in the coins which previously were unknown. For example, an elaborate process allows holograms to be sprayed onto gold coins in order to make them immune to forgery. Other suppliers are experimenting with invisible security features which can be detected by users using simple equipment.
Modern Internet payment systems have put paid to the idea that the Dinar is backward-looking romanticism. Dinars are not being minted for the museum’s sake but rather to be collected in Waadias, bought and sold through Wakalas, and sent around the world using modern payment systems. Seen this way, Dinars can form the basis for a sophisticated economic system and a potential world currency, as well as a real-value foundation for investment agreements within the scope of Islamic contracts.

An important facet of all this is the physical existence of the currency, which must be guaranteed at all times. Trading with promises of payment printed on paper is expressly forbidden in Islamic law. Interaction between diverse financial establishments within Islam makes an economic model without the existence of conventional banks absolutely feasible. More and more people are rediscovering this truly ‘alternative’ aspect of Islam, including in the West.
Whether and how you use a Dinar is not a political issue, nor is it an indicator of a liberal or conservative outlook, the Dinar is simply the foundation and accounting unit of Islamic economic law. And in the marketplace, the Dinar can still be used as a means of payment by merchants, consumers, retailers, and the general public at large – regardless of religion. The Islamic market permits free choice in the means of payment. Users trust the Dinar simply on account of its weight and the inherit value it contains.

The Dinar as a unit of measure also resonates with a philosophy which interpreted the introduction of paper money as a key to unfettered capitalism and thus a threat to the creation, as Goethe foresaw. Limiting the power of technology – especially financial technology – is indeed a major dimension of Islamic financial law. Trading justly and with mutual consent is one of the most important Quranic injunctions.

But now there are other reasons to launch currencies covered by gold and silver. Something of a world movement has emerged in support of gold. In the USA alone, 13 federal states want to introduce genuine coins as a statutory means of payment. In Europe, the sale of Dinars and other gold-based private currencies is subject to practical limitations. Germany’s Monetary Act and Medallion Ordinance allow you to produce medallions, but they must be sold with value added tax, making them unable to compete against state-issued coins (statutory currencies).
But even in Germany there are some weighty voices, including in the Bundestag, advocating a free choice of currency without prejudice in favour of government money. According to the liberal standpoint of FDP Bundestag Member Frank Schäffler, only free competition between currencies can prevent states from pumping masses of bad money into circulation. The idea of allowing the rules of the market to apply to currencies is attracting more and more adherents.


Monday, July 9, 2012

New Kelantan Dinar & Dirham Series 1433H

17.06.2012Statement Release from WIM - Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia
The World Islamic Mint is pleased to announce the introduction of the new 1433H series of coins for the Dinar & Dirham issued by the Kelantan State Government. This series is a continuation of the successful implementation of the sharia currency from earlier coins. launched from August 2010.
The new 2 Dinars, featuring a security hologram imprint, are the best ever minted coins for circulation in the history of gold coinage. The improved design quality, also showcased on the new 2 dirhams, was achieved using state-of-the-art minting technology of the Kazakhstan
Produced by Kelantan Golden Trade Sdn. Bhd. as a WIM licensed Mint, the coins are initially available in exclusive limited quantities. Full denominational availability is planned for gradual release following this offer. For additional details on the coins, please refer to the specification sheet.
The new 1433H series of coins in this issue follow the current WIM Standard of 2010 (now updated to Revision A with this series included). They share the same compliance criteria including reference rates of previous series. All existing series in this issue remain in circulation. More information on WIM Standards are available in the WIM Policy Paper.
This new Kelantan Dinar & Dirham series heralds a new era in the agenda of realising Muamalat for the Ummah, as an evolutionary development in the re-establishment of Dinar dirham as the basis of an international monetary system. May Allah give the Muslims an opening towards "One Ummah; One Currency", in pursuit of the way of Muhammad SAW. Amin.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Melt the Witch

*As read by Tamz Boderick
Attention GOLD Investors:
What would you do to take down the Gold market riggers? What would you sacrifice? How hard would you work if you KNEW that the culmination of your effort would end the long term manipulation of gold? As for me, I am very tired of fighting the Gold Cabal, but I am also tired of watching all that I love about my country get washed out to sea by the Manmade Monsoon of Market Manipulation that is currently sloshing over the United States of America.
Let's Finish This Thing!
I'm going to say it flat out...SELL ALL YOUR GOLD INVESTMENTS NOW AND BUY PHYSICAL SILVER! This is not a joke and don't get me wrong, I am the biggest "gold bug" you've ever meet, but it is time we ended their evil game. The Cabal has shown their Achilles Heel over the past few years and it is not gold but the depletion of physical Silver available for delivery that will ultimately lead to their demise. Many of us figured out long ago that physical Silver will likely run out before physical gold simply due to the tiny size of the Silver market compared to Gold, but most of us have not ACTED on this knowledge to accelerate the demise of the Gold Cabal due to our affinity for Gold and all that Gold represents... sound/honest money, freedom, liberty and justice for all!
Recently, I have been thinking a lot about Gold as money and why I personally believe that Gold is the best form of hard money. Why not Silver or platinum or copper or zinc? I must admit that most of my knowledge on this subject comes from the writings of other people. I have read hundreds of books and articles by brilliant economists, sound money advocates and other monetary philosophers who have dedicated their lives to the study of monetary theory. I am truly amazed at the vast amount of intellectual capital that has gone into the analysis of Gold as money with each monetary thinker building upon the knowledge passed down by others through the ages.

But What do I Think?
If I had no idea about monetary theory and history, what would my conclusions be? How have these writings influenced my affinity towards gold as opposed to other hard metals? Is it possible to NOT be influenced by information passed down over the years and clear my mind enough to use my own cognitive reasoning on this subject?
This is what I have been pondering over the past few years and my conclusions have shaken me to my Gold Bug foundations! Although the facts and fundamentals of gold as the best form of hard money may have been true 50 years ago, the world of Gold and Silver has changed dramatically since then such that now SILVER is hands down the best hard money investment compared to all other metals....even GOLD!

The Facts
The following is a list of facts and reasons to switch all your Gold investments into Physical Silver:
1) Due to the tiny size of the Silver market and the lack of physical Silver available to the manipulators, the Silver battle is much easier to win than Gold. Ted Butler's discovery of massive Silver market manipulation should highlight the size, scope and importance of Silver to the current financial crisis.
2) Central banks have NO physical Silver to assist in the manipulation of the Silver market but they still have a lot of physical Gold (although much less than they claim).
3) The majority of Silver mined every year is consumed as an industrial metal in very small amounts and will never return to the market whereas the amount of above ground Gold grows year after year.
4) Silver has developed, due to its low price and superior physical properties, into a vital and necessary industrial commodity that makes it mandatory for modern life. If we woke up tomorrow and gold vanished from the face of the earth, life would continue pretty much as it was the day before. Without silver, modern life would change.
5) Due to the relative very low price of silver and very high price of gold, the man in the street, around the world, is in a position to buy silver in much greater quantities than gold.
6) In various forms there is an estimated 5B oz of above ground Gold and 5B oz of above ground Silver but Gold trades around $1800/oz and Silver trades for about $35/oz. Both metal prices are obviously manipulated but Silver appears to be manipulated more. As for Silver bullion that is "in play" for the manipulators, I estimate that less than 200M oz remain with a current market value less than $7B.
7) Silver has been in a supply deficit for over 50 years! Governments held approximately 10B oz of silver in 1950 and have been supplying that physical stock steadily into the market. Today there is no more of that surplus silver left to sell.
8) At current Silver consumption rates there is less than 15 years of known Silver reserves remaining in the world. AFTER THAT SILVER WILL BE GONE FOREVER! Think about it.
9) Demand for Silver is "inelastic" in its industrial applications because it is used in such small quantities per application. An increase in price does not translate into a decrease in consumption.
10) The COMEX Silver short position is the largest concentrated short position of any commodity, on any exchange in the history of financial markets.
11) Throughout human monetary history the Silver to Gold ratio hovered in the 10-1 range until the invention of futures and options trading in metals. After the massive manipulation maneuvers by the Banking Cabal the silver-gold ratio now stands at over 50-1.
12) The US Dollar as defined in the Coinage Act of 1792 is Silver, not Gold, and contains "three hundred and seventy-one grains and four sixteenth parts of a grain of pure, or four hundred and sixteen grains of standard silver."
13) Silver is massively under reported in the media vs. Gold. Even Jim Rogers, the commodity guru, purposefully ignores Silver entirely in his best selling book "Hot Commodities" even though Silver exceeds all other commodities using his metrics on what makes a strong commodity.
14) Very few investors have physical Silver in their possession. Reasoning: because they claim it is "too hard to store". Does that mean when Silver trades at over $1,000 oz people will be more willing to buy and store physical Silver? It is difficult to make up a more bullish argument to take delivery and store physical Silver TODAY...when the Cabal price rigging scam finally fails you can always buy your own Fort Knox to store all that pesky Silver you bought!
15) Gold's strong fundamentals are only exceeded by Silver's so when the gold manipulation stops and the Gold price takes off investors will be looking for the next under-priced investment with similar characteristics.
16) 470M oz of Silver owned by the US Treasury and used in the Manhattan Project for the construction of the atom bomb have all been melted down and sold into the physical market to support the "Strong Dollar Policy"
The Great Silver Mystery...REVEALED!

17) Silver mineral deposits, as opposed to Gold, are usually very shallow in the earth's crust due to the nature of the geology so most of the large deposits of Silver have probably already been found and/or already mined limiting future discoveries.
18) There is a significant problem with counterfeit Gold coins and bars because of its high price. Silver coins and small bars have not, to date, had as much of a counterfeiting issue because its price did not justify the effort. (although there is a problem with counterfeit Silver jewelry which may significantly suppress Silver scrap recovery in the future...oddly bullish by-product of counterfeiting Silver!)
19) The total dollar value of the Silver market is a fraction of the total dollar value of the Gold market.
20) Most flat screen televisions use Silver in their internal electronics/screens and the worlds transfer from analog to digital signals has increased the demand for flat screen TV's.
21) Retail physical shortages of Silver are already beginning to appear around the world. The list of announced delays/curtailment by Government owned Mints now includes EVERY MAJOR SILVER COIN PRODUCING COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!
22) Hedge funds are bleeding from the credit crunch and they are looking for ways to save themselves. A single hedge fund can scoop up the remaining physical Silver and blow the price sky high.
23) In the US, Gold confiscation laws are still on the books but there are currently no silver confiscation laws.
24) As of mid 2011 the Gold price is hovering around $1,800 or over 200% of its historical high. Silver, on the other hand, is hovering around $35 or 70% of it's historical high suggesting that Silver has a long way still to go.
25) Un-backed paper Silver programs such as silver certificates and unallocated pooled accounts are the "industry standard" these days and will be scrambling for metal when redemptions are called in by the investors. The most egregious example of fractional reserve silver is the iShares Silver ETF (SLV).
26) In the past few years the massive global money creation by central banks around the world has created huge reservoirs of cash sloshing around the asset markets looking for a safe haven. Although most mainstream press have discussed Gold as being a likely bucket to fill with this monetary firehouse, SILVER has all the same monetary metal properties as Gold except the Silver market is SO small it would be like FILLING A DIXIE CUP WITH THE FIREHOUSE!
27) The CFTC still has an open investigation into the manipulation of the SILVER market that is being conducted not by their investigative division but by the CFTC "Enforcement Division". Although the final conclusions have been purposefully delayed by the CFTC, the final outcome may finally be the END OF THE 50 YEAR MANIPULATION OF THE SILVER MARKET!
28) During the CFTC hearing on metal position limits, GATA announced that a whistleblower has come forward with specific proof that JP Morgan was rigging the silver market. The next day he and his wife were rammed in their car in an attempted murder. The suspect was caught but the police are not giving out any information about the suspect or others that were involved.
29) The growth of emerging economies in Asia will require more and more industrial silver to build out their electric infrastructure and provide a higher standard of living for their middle class. In a global market that has been in a silver supply deficit for years a silver bidding war will result in order to obtain the significant amounts of silver needed.
30) The truth about gold and silver price manipulation is spreading like wildfire throughout the world with the help of the internet such that the Banksters "shabby secret" is no longer a secret.
31) There are currently multiple class action lawsuits that have been filed against JP Morgan for blatantly rigging the silver market. Given that JP Morgan has previously claimed immunity from legal prosecution because they are an agent of the US Government I doubt the suits will ever be brought to trial...BUT the publicity of them "claiming immunity" AGAIN will be the "silver shot heard around the world".
32) The US Dollar has run it's course as the world's reserve currency. The entire global financial markets know this and are positioning themselves accordingly. The "Dollar End Game" for the United States has never been to transfer economic power to Eastern countries as the dollar dies but rather crash the global markets and start fresh with a new domestically centered economic model. That transition is upon us:

Well, now do you think SILVER is both more important and a better investment than your gold?
Hopefully, that's enough pro-Silver data to convince you to make the switch.

What About Gold?

There are some pro-Gold items which, in fairness, should be weighed against all the pro-Silver arguments:
1) Gold does not tarnish. (That's nice but hardly a reason not to make the switch)
2) Gold is promoted and perceived by the world as the "Greatest Monetary Metal" least for now!
Not to be "anti-gold" but from my calculations there is 10x the amount of physical gold in the world regardless of what the "mainstream gold media" claims...meaning there is OVER 1 MILLION TONS OF PHYSICAL GOLD!

Golden Secrets
Also, my calculations on silver estimate that there is 10x LESS silver in the world because of all the potentially phony physical silver ETF bars out there...
Silver "Moly-Bars"
Don't worry about Gold....really. Gold, like Silver, will find its rightful place in a freely traded market. It should take less than a few $Billion of physical Silver purchases to buy up all of the available Silver bullion, and that would only mean switching out of about 100 tons of Gold on a physical basis. 100 tons would not significantly damage the price of gold. Now $5B removed from GLD/SLV, Gold/Silver Pooled Accounts, Gold/Silver mining stocks, etc. would be much better for the price of Gold and should not cause any permanent damage to the gold investment community. As a matter of fact, can you think of anything more positive for the price of gold and gold investments than the destruction of the Banking Cabal?!
So what should be the true price of Silver today?
I don't know but I do know that the price quoted on the COMEX and LBM are not even close to silver's "Fair Market Value". It makes more sense to me to estimate the true price of Silver in relation to another "Monetary Commodity" such as Gold since gold is currently "perceived" as the best monetary metal.

* Based on my mainstream estimates of total above and below ground Silver (17Boz) and Gold (8Boz) the Silver/Gold Ratio should be 2.1-1. With Gold trading at $1,800/oz Silver should be trading at $857/oz or is 25X UNDERVALUED!
* Based on estimates of total above ground Silver (5Boz) and Gold (5Boz) the Silver/Gold Ratio should be 1-1. With Gold trading at $1,800/oz Silver should be trading at $1,800/oz or is 51X UNDERVALUED!
* Based on estimates of total monetary bullion above ground Silver (1Boz) and Gold (3Boz) the Silver/Gold Ratio should be 1-3. With Gold trading at $1,800/oz Silver should be trading at $5,400/oz or is 154X UNDERVALUED!
Of course all this is predicated on the assumption that gold is fairly valued at $1,800oz today which almost everyone agrees is a joke. Since the USA holds a little over 8,100 tons of gold in reserve (supposedly) it is logical to assume that Gold will back the US dollar when the fiat money system fails (not hard to imagine the failure of the US dollar). With the US M2 money supply currently estimated to be in the $9.6 Trillion dollar range, the price of a redeemable gold backed US dollar would be about $37,000/oz IF the US stopped printing dollars today.
The $37,000/oz Monetary Gold price would put the value of monetary above ground Silver bullion, as analyzed in the last bullet point above, at....
.... $111,000 per oz of SILVER!
Crazy, I know, but it really doesn't end there!
Based on the FACT that Silver is being consumed 120% faster than it is currently being mined/produced and the Gold above ground supplies are growing at 2% per annum the Silver/Gold Ratio Formula should be [(Above Ground Silver)(80%) to (Above Ground Gold)(102%)]. With Gold trading at a massively manipulated low price of $1,600oz, Silver should be approaching INFINITY AND IS INFINITY(X) UNDERVALUED!
Wow....chilling conclusions...have you traded your Gold for Silver yet?
May the Road you choose be the Right Road.
Bix Weir
For MORE information on Silver Manipulation visit:

Friday, June 22, 2012

Ditipu skim pelaburan emas

BATU PAHAT – Seorang pembekal bahan binaan kerugian RM50,000 setelah terperdaya dengan skim pelaburan emas yang ditawarkan menerusi laman Internet oleh sebuah syarikat beralamat di Klang, Selangor.Ketua Polis Batu Pahat, Asisten Komisioner Din Ahmad berkata, mangsa berusia 38 tahun itu pergi ke pejabat syarikat berkenaan, apabila tertarik dengan tawaran keuntungan 15 peratus yang dijanjikan.Menurutnya, selepas melihat sendiri pejabat syarikat berkenaan dan diterangkan keuntungan yang bakal diperoleh, mangsa bersetuju untuk melabur menerusi skim pelaburan emas itu dan mendepositkan RM50,000 ke dalam akaun syarikat berkenaan.“Mangsa yakin untuk melabur dalam skim itu berikutan syarikat terbabit turut menyediakan dokumen perjanjian untuk ditandatangani, selain berjanji akan menghantar dokumen perjanjian berkenaan selepas selesai menguruskannya.“Bagaimanapun, selepas dua bulan, syarikat terbabit masih gagal menyerahkan dokumen perjanjian itu. Mangsa cuba menghubungi syarikat berkenaan namun tidak berhasil.“Malah keuntungan yang dijanjikan selepas sebulan melabur tidak diterimanya. Mangsa yang menge­syaki dirinya ditipu akhirnya membuat laporan polis,” katanya pada sidang media di Ibu Pejabat Polis (IPD) Batu Pahat, semalam.Din berkata, walaupun mangsa membuat laporan polis pada 31 Januari lalu, pihaknya masih memburu suspek utama kes berkenaan.“Polis juga berjaya menangkap dan mendakwa pemilik akaun yang menerima wang RM50,000 yang dideposit mangsa,” katanya.Beliau berkata, polis kini mencari seorang wanita, Rimaliza Mustafa, 28, yang beralamat terakhir di Kuantan, Pahang, untuk membantu siasatan kes berkenaan.“Kita meminta kerjasama orang ramai yang mengenali Rimaliza supaya dapat menghubungi pihak polis,” katanya.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Perkongsian P.E.R.A.K

Simpanan atau untuk pelaburan? Duit anda, anda tentukan. Bagi saya kedua-dua nya boleh dilakukan serentak. Bagai mana caranya?. Beli dan simpan semasa harga pasaran rendah dan jual pada harga semasa naik, jadi ini bermakna simpanandan pelaburan.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Silver correction putting miners under pressure - 13/jun/2012

After weeks of sailing on troubled waters, the silver market is giving mixed signals. Analysts are struggling to discern whether or not the metal will be able to consolidate above resistance at $28.50, or whether silver is still in danger of further sell-offs. Much will depend on developments in the US dollar market and the global economy – a view shared by Randy Smallwood, president and CEO at Silver Wheaton, a Vancouver-based silver-streaming company.

 The euro crisis has been a big depressing influence on commodity markets in recent months. With the continent’s debt crisis getting worse by the day, many investors are being drawn to the dollar. Most are confident that the eurozone is in great danger. Despite record-low yields, traders are continuing to buy US Treasuries. 

 Capital is also slowly moving out of China. The country's economic model – based on generating export surpluses – could be heading for difficulty. An increasing number of Western companies have announced their intention to move production out of China. Bureaucratic fees were increasing to a point where many businesses had ceased making profits. 

As Smallwood notes, the increasing demand for the dollar is having a negative effect on silver and other precious metals' price development. But the long-term outlook for the white metal remains excellent. On one hand silver can be recycled at a much lower cost than gold. And demand from industrial end users will continue to grow in the coming years, which should have a positive effect on the price. 

 Since reaching its $50 high in the spring of 2011, the silver price has almost halved. Small and medium size silver producers are having difficulties financing themselves without compromising their capital. European banks hav e been silver mines' main financiers, but now these banks are struggling with growing financial problems and are trying to reduce their own balance sheets. Many a silver mine could be harmed by this.

 Just recently Aquarius Platinum announced that it will be temporarily halting production at its Marikana platinum mine, located in northwest South Africa. According to the company, current platinum prices have rendered production at the mine unprofitable. Similar production halts in the silver sector would be painful in the short term. Nevertheless, a drop in supply would most probably have a positive effect on long-term prices.

Author: Roman Baudzus

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Dinar dan dirham mampu atasi krisis ekonomi

foto: Dinar Kelantan

KUALA LUMPUR 2 April 2012 - Penggunaan dinar emas dan dirham perak diyakini mampu menjadi penyelesaian kepada krisis ekonomi yang melanda dunia sekarang.
Ketua Jabatan Kewangan Fakulti Ekonomi dan Sains Pengurusan Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM), Prof. Dr. Ahamed Kameel Mydin Meera berkata, penggunaan wang kertas sebenarnya memudahkan serta menggalakkan spekulasi dan manipulasi mata wang kerana ia tidak memiliki nilai seperti dinar emas.
"Sebenarnya penggunaan dinar emas dan dirham perak dalam perniagaan bukan sesuatu yang baru kepada dunia kerana ia digunakan sejak zaman dahulu lagi.
"Ini kerana dinar emas dan dirham perak merupakan wang sebenar yang merangkumi prinsip keadilan, ekonomi dan kestabilan serta mapan. Ia bukan sahaja baik untuk negara Islam tetapi juga kepada semua negara lain," katanya.
- Utusan Online
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